Pussy Galore: What happened? Where’s Goldfinger?

James Bond: Playing his golden harp.

Fiona: Some men just don’t like to be driven.

James Bond: No, some men don’t like to be taken for a ride.

Pussy Galore: What happened? Where’s Goldfinger?

James Bond: Playing his golden harp.

[sitting in M’s office, looking at M’s china Bulldog ornament with the British flag painted on its back]

James Bond: The whole office goes up in smoke and that bloody thing survives.

M: Your interior decorating tips have always been appreciated, 007.

James Bond: Train’s leaving. Do I get on the train?

Q: Don’t get on the train unless he’s on it. Give us a minute.

James Bond: Do I get on the train?

[as Q searches surveillance footage to find Silva he spots him dressed as a policeman getting on the train]